Quickly find quotes with search and filters. View details, edit items or terms, and generate a PDF preview for printing or emailing.
A broad portfolio shouldn't make quoting tedious. Instantly search for items using keywords and add them to quotes, with pricing and HSN codes auto-populating.
Select a customer and items from dropdown menus to quickly create a quote. The software auto-calculates totals based on quantity, price, and discount, using standard templates for terms and bank details.
Stay informed about your quotes and track your sales history and future trends. Use filters to find quotes by customer, date, age, or current stage, or use keyword search for quick retrieval.
Change quotes into invoices and send them in a jiffy
Modify existing quotes and save them as revised quotes
Make a copy of a winning quote for the same or new customers
Get your quotes land on your desktop or mobile device from the Cloud
Know closed quotes or those in progress and prepare future course of actions
Let your quotes stay in tune with changes in price, terms, and other factors
Easy to setup, Full access, No credit card required.